Sunday 13 June 2010

To do..or not to do..

Sunday. Always a kind of 'What shall I do?' day. I made some iced doughnuts yesterday (miniature ones, not real ones) and they turned out quite well, so I'm thinking of making some chocolate eclairs today. I have a pile of ironing as tall as Mount Everest which I'm trying hard to ignore, but every now and then it creeps up behind me and says, 'Hey - remember me? I'm your big pile of ironing and I'm making the bedroom look like some kind of jumble-sale...' and then I feel guilty for a few minutes until my auto-ignore mode kicks in again. But yeah..... I'm going to have to get it sorted. In a bit.

I was going to make some real-life fairy cakes yesterday but my muffin tray seems to have disappeared. Where on Earth do muffin trays hide? Why would it even want to? It's not as though it has a hard life - I hardly ever use the damn thing so it has absolutely no reason to be this troublesome.

I'm sitting here in the hope that suddenly I will write something profound, or at least vaguely interesting, but I don't think it's going to happen. Not today, anyway. It may do, perhaps on Wednesday or Thursday, but definitely not today.

Update: I made the eclairs... the fact that they're made from Fimo clay does NOT stop me wanting to eat them!

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